

I am from Ukraine. I draw to understand myself better. And art also brings pleasure in itself. Is art important? It would seem .. art in itself is useless. You can’t dig up potatoes with a painting. And that is why art is infinitely important. This puts us beyond animals and puts us beyond the ordinary. Humans, I think, have an inherent need for art and beauty. Everything we create is designed to be pleasing to the eye. Even a washing machine. Although I am not a professional artist, ever since childhood I have been interested in different types of art. My favourite topics are loneliness, creativity, aspiration and alienation. I love fantasy and I love calligraphy. I like creating worlds that do not exist. I love fantastic landscape, strange people and quotes that express my emotions and feelings. I like calligraphy because the words themselves fascinate me. I want to master different styles of calligraphy. I would like to draw calligraffiti. I want to ensure that creativity expresses my character so that the viewer and reader can touch my heart. I really love the paintings of Georges Seurat and among the calligraphists I like Yves Leterme.


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John Lambert