

I am from Iran. Someone said, ‘I do painting to bring a little bit of beauty to the eyes and souls.’ I have painted since childhood but I want to be able to paint my own feelings and ideas. I think art can play a big part in bringing people closer together, to communicate and get to know one another better.

I am an Iranian artist and I have lived in the UK since 2018. I volunteer for Charis and ‘Taunton Welcomes Refugees’. I have been involved in different projects for welfare for the women and children of Iran, Nepal and the UK because I believe strongly in freedom. I participated in the Red Dress Project, the work of the Somerset artist, Kirstie Macleod; it was made and embroidered by women from 51 countries.

My two portraits in this exhibition are based on the work of modernist female artists, Mela Muter and Paula Modersohn-Becker.

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John Lambert