

I am a refractory ceramic chemist and R&D chemist. I work on ores, clays and minerals and by using these produce ceramic and raw materials from different techniques. After marriage, my life suddenly turned. My daughters came into my life; my husband did not want girls so I became a single mother. My life style changed because I started to struggle taking care of them and fulfilling my responsibilities.

When I came here, I didn’t have any idea how to spend my time and one day, I joined the painting class with my daughters. It was great for me because I drew a picture and after that filled it with colour which gave me good feelings and I was happy to paint for the first time. It gave me mental relaxation and diversion to do good work with happiness. I feel, I focus, I try to paint.

I am a new beginner. Painting is new skill for me which helps to boost my self esteem. Art is a way of expression. I find it is a way to express beauty, nature and emotion. Because art is beauty and gives relaxation and hope. Art is versatile – I want to develop my skills to capture nature in colours.

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John Lambert